Thursday, December 27, 2012

Route 66 Map

I am currently working on freelance projects for an upcoming gallery show in Tulsa by the photographer and printmaker, Natalie Slater. This past summer, Natalie travelled the old Route 66 from Illinois to California, in an old Shasta camper, with a bunch of old postcards and photographs from the 1930's-50's and reshot them from the same exact locations for her project, The Mother Road Revisited. And that's only the project in a nutshell.

The gallery show will contain the old and new photos, screen prints, hand-made memorabilia, and even more surprises. And I'm being vague on purpose, you guys. There will be more surprises, and it will be really rad.

That being said, there were a number of things for the show that needed illustratin', so she asked me. Along with some other hip illustrated additions to the show, (that I may share later), Natalie asked me to create a map of the route that could be displayed in the gallery.

Below are some photos of the nearly finished map. All in all it is an 8'x4' zoomed in crop of the map to focus on the states that route runs through. You may also notice, that the route is shown by an illuminated dotted line. The map still needs to be framed, and I think that is going to do a lot for the piece. It's so big, you guys!

Anyway, check out the links to learn more about Natalie and her project. There is so much more to it than I've covered in this post. And if you are in the area, or even if you aren't yet, come to the show in Tulsa, Oklahoma on April 5th!


Again, the links are:


  1. nice blog post, i must say. just enough details to get the point across. I must learn your ways.

  2. This map really turned out great! Awesome job!
