Monday, July 16, 2012

South Africa and the "Lekker Board"

Hey guys and gals. Many of you know that I will be heading to South Africa tomorrow with two of my world's best pals in the world. We will there for the next month or so, just having a great time. Unfortunately, this means little to no blog updates until after, (heavy on the "no"). But when I get back, I promise to update with a vengeance.

Before I leave, however, I do want to post a deck that I painted recently to commemorate the trip. It's a long board I put together with my pal Mark Dewbre. Mark is from South Africa, and will be going with me on the trip.

I spray painted the South African flag on this bad boy.

Me and my pals, Mark and Daniel:

Mark                          Daniel                        Me

I Made a Clock

I made this clock, and I am strangely proud of it. It works and looks cool- the perfect combination.

(Take a look at a few posts down to see the illustrations up close and personal.)

New Book Covers

A while back I created some book covers for two of my favorite books, George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm. I enjoyed doing them a ton, and got a lot of good feedback, so recently I decided to do another set of two of my favorite books by John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men.

I thought a long time about the style of these, and what I could do to make them go together well. I always want to make these book covers something that pulls out something from the text that you would need to read to understand, instead of just illustrating the title. After some thought, it hit me that these books could be represented well individually by the tortoise and the hair, plus, they would go well together.

I plan on doing at least a third set of two, so if you have any suggestions for authors let me know!

So here's the first look at these covers you've been hearing about:

Here is a quick look at the old George Orwell covers: