For the month of April, my illustration group,
Jeb Kennedy, hosted a theme month dedicated to women. Exactly one month
after the actual National Women's Month, we hoped we could squeak by without anyone noticing. It took about one day for someone to notice.
The idea was to stretch ourselves mostly. The four of us, (all being gentlemen), haven't spent as much time practicing drawing the female form as we'd like. So, hoping to boost our confidence with drawing women, and add some to our portfolios, we set off to do the unthinkable- draw ladies for a month.
The results were a lot of fun, and we were even privileged enough to receive some guest art from some very talented female illustrators. Lots of fun. I now feel almost experienced enough to actually hold a conversation with a real lady!
Below are my submissions for
Ladies & Jebs. If you'd like to see all the lady art from the other guys, and the wonderful guest submissions, please check out the Jeb site at:
These first two nautical-themed illustrations were a lot of fun. I plan on adding to the series with at
least a third piece taking place at night. If I'm feeling ambitious, I may do a fourth installment taking place at sunrise.
I'm very pleased with this entire whale illustration. One of those stellar times when the image in my head is perfectly translated through my hands an into an illustration. A really great feeling.
This mermaid illustration is the second in the ocean series. It was really fun playing with different color combinations to get the feeling of dusk. I also really enjoyed drawing the different sea life in this series, and giving each sea creature it's own little personality. The idea is that the moon is a a little teaser of the planned third installment for the series.
When working with a retro/mid-century style, and drawing women, it is almost a requirement to draw a pin-up-style lady riding a rocket or a bomb. I will also take any excuse to draw anything outer-space-themed. I thought maybe putting her side-saddle would by more lady-like. This paragraph as a lot of hyphenated words.

I really wanted to do a piece that broadened the definition of our "lady" theme, by doing a little lady. Once I made my mind up to doing an illustration of a little girl, it didn't take long to decide on Boo from my very favorite Pixar film, Monsters Inc. The relationship between Sulley and Boo is really fun to watch progress throughout the movie, and I really wanted to show how she can make this otherwise terrifying beast into an innocent playmate. This one was one of my most well-recieved illustrations in Ladies & Jebs, and super fun to make. It sorta just came together very naturally. (It was also a ton of fun to sneak in all of the hidden, Pixar-style, easter eggs into the illustration.)
Hope you enjoyed the lady art! I promise, from now on it will not take me being forced to add a female touch to my work now and then.